Форум Киевской школы кельтских танцев "Лугнасад"


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Мастер класс по шотландским танцам в Москве

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Схемы танцев на вечерние балы в Москве

THE DURAN RANGER (R8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS 13
1- 8 1s lead down the middle, Lady crosses under Mans arm & they lead up to 2nd place opposite sides
9-16 2s+1s dance R&L 1s end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s turn 1st corners RH, turn partner LH, turn 2nd corners RH & turn partner LH to places
25-32 2s+1s circle 4H round & back

SPEIRS BRUCE (The Pole Star) (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) R Goldring Scotia Suite
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast to 3rd place, 2s & 1s set & cross RH
9-16 2s+1s dance Mens Chain (up/down)
17-24 1L+3M change places LH, 1M+3L change places RH, 2s+1s+3s set & cross RH
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back

The Quaich
32Bs for 3 couples
1s,2s,3s joining hands on the side, set
They turn petronella wise to form a stright line down the center of the dance, with the ladies facing down and the men facing up
set to partners then turn petronella wise into partner's places
1s 2s 3s set and giving right hands cross over into own sides- 1s finish facing down, 2s facing up
1st man sets to 2nd man and turns him right around by the right hand while 1st woman sets to 2nd woman and turns her right around by the left - 1s finish facing in in top place, 2s facing out in 2nd place
17-24 Inveran reels - at the end of the rrels, 1s dance in to join nearer hands facing down while 2s join near hands as they dance up and stay together, facing up
1s and 2s dance the rondel
Inveran Reels
1st woman dances a 1/2 reel of 3 on the man's side with 2nd and 3rd men while 1st man dances a 1/2 reel of 3 with 2nd and 3rd women
1st lady dances a half reel of 3 on own side with 2nd and 3rd ladies while 1st man dances a 1/2 reel of 3 with 2nd and 3rd men.
1nd and 3rd couples dance normal complete reels of 3 on the sides (2nd couple dancing out and up, and 3rd couple in and up tomstart) while 1st couple cross over into the middle of each 1/2 reel.

THE WESTMINSTER REEL (R8x32) 2C (4C set) J Hill RSCDS 45
1- 8 1M+2L turn RH, 1L+2M turn RH 1.1/2 times end facing partner ready for diagonal reel of 4
9-16 1s+2s dance diagonal reel of 4
17-24 1s+2s Set & Rotate: - set, rotate singly (pull RSh back) & dance on 1 pl clockwise, change pl RH with prtnr on sides & dance on 1 pl to own sides
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L

LA FLORA (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Monro RSCDS 27
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across 1/2 way, 1/2 turn RH, dance LH across 1/2 way & turn LH to places
9-16 1s petronella to 2nd place opposite sides
17-24 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides giving RSh to person on their right & cross to 2nd place own sides

THE BIRKS OF INVERMAY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Skillern RSCDS 16
1- 8 1M+2L turn 2H, 1L+2M turn 2H
9-16 1s+2s+3s Promenade
17-24 1s cross RH, cast to 2nd place, lead up between 2s & cast to 2nd place (2s move up on bars 23-24)
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back

TRIP TO BAVARIA (R4x32) 4C set J MacGregor-Brown Collins Pocket Ref
1-4 1s & 4s cross RH while 2s+3s dance 1/2 RH across, 1s+3s & 2s+4s change places LH on sides
5-16 3s & 2s cross RH while 1s+4s dance 1/2 RH across, & repeat until back in original places
17-24 1s set to 2s & cross over to face 3s, set & cross to face 4s
25-32 1s set to 4s & cross over to 4th place on opposite sides, all Advance+Retire 2 steps 1s changing places 2H to retire to own sides

LORD ELGIN'S REEL (S8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS 26
1- 8 1M+2L set & turn 2H, 1L+2M set & turn 2H
9-16 1s crossing down RH cast down behind 3s, lead up to top, cross RH & cast to face 1st corners
17-24 1s turn 1st corners RH, passing RSh turn 2nd corner LH & pass LSh to end in lines across 1L between 2s & 1M between 3s
25-32 Lines Advance+Retire 1 step twice, 1s turn 2H 1.1/4 times to places

The Guidman of Balangigh
32 Bar Jig for 2 Couples
1-4 1C dance down bet 2C and cast up to place
5-8 1M & 2M dance bet the women and cast around own partner to place
9-12 1W & 2W dance bet the men and cast around own partner to place
13-16 2C dance up bet 1C and cast back to place
17-20 1M & 2W set adv then turn right about to place
21-24 1W & 2M repeat 17-20
25-28 1C & 2C dance 4 hands round halfway (skip change of step)
29-32 2C & 1C set and cross over giving RH

BUTTERSCOTCH & HONEY (S4x32) 4C set J Attwood Alexander Leaflet 24
1- 8 1s set & 1/2 turn RH into promenade hold, 1s dance 1/2 RSh reel of 3 with 2s [2s end on opposite sides]
9-16 1s dance 1/2 LSh Reel of 3 with 3s & 1/2 RSh reel of 3 with 4s
17-24 1s followed by 4s+3s+2s cast up on opposite sides to top, cross over to own sides each Lady passing in front of partner & down own side
25-32 All set to partners & turn 2H into 4H round (2s with 3s & 4s with 1s)

PELORUS JACK (J8x32) 3C (4C set) B Skelton RSCDS 41
1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place & dance RH across with 3s, 1s end with Man facing his 1st corner with his partner behind him
9-16 1s dance (as 1 person) 1/2 reel of 3 with 1st corners (1s about turn in corner so that partner leads out to face Mans 2nd crnr), 1/2 reel with 2nd corner
17-24 1s similarly dance 1/2 reel of 3 with Ladies 1st corner position & 1/2 reel with Ladies 2nd corner position
25-32 1M followed by partner dance into LH across with 2s, 1s turn LH to own sides & 2s+1s+3s set

REEL OF THE 51ST DIVISION (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Atkinson RSCDS 13
1- 8 1s set & cast below 3s & lead up to face 1st corners
9-16 1s set & turn 1st corners RH to balance in diagonal line, 1s turn LH to face 2nd corners
17-24 1s set & turn 2nd corners RH to balance in line, 1s turn LH to 2nd place own sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back

SHIFTIN' BOBBINS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) R Clowes Ormskirk Bk
1- 8 1s cross RH to double triangle position with 2s+3s & set, 1s cast up to top & dance down until they are between 2s & 3s
9-16 1L dances RH across with 2M+3M while 1M dances LH across with 2L+3L, 1s followed by 2s+3s dance down centre
17-24 3s followed by 2s+1s dance up (3s+2s cast off to places), 1L dances LH across with 2M+3M while 1M dances RH across with 2L+3L
25-32 1s dance up to top, cast down to 2nd place opposite side & dance 1/2 fig of 8 around 2s to end in 2nd place on own sides

1- 8 1s 1/2 turn RH into centre to balance in line across with 2s, 1/2 turn 2s into centre LH & balance in line
9-16 1s 1/2 turn 2s LH & again balance in line across, 1s turn RH & to places
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back
25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette

SUGAR CANDIE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS 26
1- 8 1s set & cast 1 place, cross passing LSh & cast round their 1st corner into centre ending BtoB (Lady facing up, Man down)
9-16 1L circle left with 2s & 1M with 3s, turn to face partner & set, 3/4 turn partner 2H to end facing 1st corners
17-24 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH, partner LH & end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s dance Reel of 3 on opposite sides passing 1st corner LSh & cross RH to 2nd place own sides

MAXWELL'S RANT (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Rutherford RSCDS 18
1- 8 1s dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides
9-16 1s dance reflection reels of 3 on own sides
17-24 1s cross RH, cast to 2nd place & dance 1/2 fig of 8 round 2s
25-32 1s lead down between the 3s, cast up to 2nd place & 2s+1s+3s turn partners RH

JOIE DE VIVRE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) I van Maarseveen RSCDS 39
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place, 1s dance down between 3s & cast back to 2nd place on own sides
9-16 2s+1s+3s turn RH & chase 1/2 way round clockwise
17-24 3s+1s+2s dance DoSiDo, set on sides & 1/2 turn partners RH for Allemande
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance Allemande

JOHNNIE WALKER (S64+J64) Sq.Set N&H Robson Whisky Coll
1- 8 All circle 8H round & back
9-16 All set to corners & turn RH, set to partners & turn LH
17-24 1s & 3s advance to centre & dance out through sides with opposite partner, cross & dance to opposite sides & turn partner RH 1.1/2 times
25-32 2s & 4s repeat 17-24
33-40 All Ladies petronella one place to right & set, Ladies petronella on to next place to right & set
41-48 All Men petronella one place to right & set, Men petronella on to next place to right & set
49-64 All dance Grand Chain once round & dance Allemande anticlockwise
65-128 Repeat in Jig time

THE COLLEGE HORNPIPE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Boag RSCDS 20
1- 8 1s+2s+3s circle 6H round & back
9-16 1s+2s+3s Promenade
17-24 1s cross RH, cast to 2nd place, cross LH, cast to 3rd place & lead up to face 1st corners
25-32 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting ending with a clap & turn into 2nd place own side

WILD GEESE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS 24
1- 8 1s+3s dance in & balance in line, turn partners RH & 1s cast to 3rd place while 3s lead up to 1st place
9-16 3s+1s dance in & balance in line, turn partners RH & 3s cast to 3rd place while 1s lead up to 1st place
17-24 1s lead down & back to 2nd place
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L

MISS MILLIGAN'S STRATHSPEY (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Golden Jubilee Dances
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round to left, 1s turn to face 2s & set, 1s cast while 2s dance up
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance reflection reels of 3 on own sides 1s dancing in between 3s to start
17-24 2s+1s+3s set, 2s+1s 1/2 turn LH, 1s followed by 2s lead down between 3s, cross & cast up on own sides
25-32 1s+2s dance the Knot

THE DUKE & DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH (R8x40) 3C (4C set) A Anderson & F Lesslie RSCDS 39
1- 8 1s+2s+3s Advance+Retire & turn partners 2H
9-16 1s cast, lead down between 3s, cast up behind 3s, lead up between 2s & cast back to 2nd place
17-24 1s dance RH across Lady with 2s & Man with 3s, pass RSh & dance LH across with other couple to end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s turn corner, partner, corner, partner to own sides 2nd place
33-40 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back

QUARRIES' JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) K W Smith RSCDS 36
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place & dance round 1st corners passing corners LSh
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 across (1st Man with 2s & 1st Lady with 3s), 1s turn LH to face 1st corners
17-18 Centre dancers change with 1st corners RH while 2nd corners set
19-20 1st corners (in centre) change places LH while new 1st & 2nd corners dance clockwise round to next corner position
21-24 Repeat the figure in bars 17-20 from new positions
25-32 Repeat 17-20 from new positions, 1s end by turning LH to 2nd place on opposite sides, 2s+1s+3s set on sides & 1s cross back RH

1- 8 1s+2s set & dance RH across 1/2 way, set & dance LH across 1/2 way back to place
9-16 1s lead down the middle & back to top
17-24 1s+2s dance Allemande
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back

VILLAGE REEL (S8x32) 2C (4C set) W Campbell RSCDS 20
1- 8 1s+2s dance Diamond Poussette
9-16 1s in promenade hold dance a fig of 8 round the 2s passing 2L RSh
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back
25-32 1s+2s dance Allemande

HOOPER'S JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) MMM II
1- 8 1s clap crossing RSh & cast to 2nd place to dance RH across with 3s
9-16 1s clap crossing RSh & cast to 1st place to dance LH across with 2s
17-24 1M+3L change places RH, 1L+3M change places RH, 1M+3L change places RH (1M casts to 2nd pl), 1L+3M cross LH 1L ending in 2nd place
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L

DUKE OF PERTH (R8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS 1
1- 8 1s turn RH, cast to 2nd place, turn LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s turn 1st corner, partner, 2nd corner, & partner to face 1st corners
17-24 1s set & turn 1st corner 2H, set & turn 2nd corner
25-32 1s dance Reel of 3 on opposite sides giving LSh to 1st corner & cross back to own sides

KENDALL'S HORNPIPE (J8x32) 2C (4C set) Bk of Graded SCDs
1- 8 1s+2s dance R&L
9-16 1s lead down for 3, up for 3, cross over & cast down to 2nd place
17-24 2s+1s dance Ladies Chain
25-32 1L+2M & 1M &2L advance for 2 & retire, 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times

THE ROYAL DEESIDE RAILWAY (R8x32) 3C (4C set) R Arrowsmith RSCDS 40
1- 8 1s cross down (no hands) below 3s, cast up 1 place opposite sides & dance in to face 2L, 1s+2L dance RH across
9-16 1s+2M dance LH across & end 1L (with partner behind her) in centre facing up, 1s dance up & cast 1 place on own sides & face 3M
17-24 1s+3M dance RH across, 1s+3L dance LH across & end 1L (with partner behind her) in centre facing down
25-32 1s dance down below 3s & cast up on own sides to 2nd place, 2s+1s+3s turn RH

BRIDGE OF NAIRN (S8x32) 3C (4C set) R Bremner RSCDS 13
1- 8 1s cast below 3s & lead up between to top, cross & cast to meet partner facing 2L
9-16 1s set to 2L, 3M, 3L then 2M & turn to face 1st corners
17-24 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH & partner LH ending in 2nd place opposite sides
25-32 2s+1s+3s Advance+Retire & 1s turn with 2H 1.1/2 times

SUMMER ASSEMBLY (R88) Sq.Set R Goldring RSCDS 35
1-16 All turn RH, Ladies cast 1 place clockwise & all set to new partners, turn new partners RH, Ladies cast on 1 place & set to new partners
17-32 Repeat bars 1-16 but all turn LH & Men casting anti-clockwise
33-48 1s+3s dance RH across then 1M & 3M followed by prtnrs dance cl'wise round outside of set back to original places 2nd & 4th couples repeat
49-56 All Ladies dance figs of 8 round their partners & corners (start by passing in front of partners)
57-64 All Men dance figs of 8 round their partners & corners (start by passing in front of partners)
65-80 1s+3s change places (3s making an arch) & set, repeat back to places with 1s making the arch, 2nd & 4th repeat
81-88 All circle 8H round & back

THE CHAIRMAN'S JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) R Goldring
1- 8 1s cross down to dance reflection reels on opposite sides 1s ending in partner's place
9-16 1M+2L turn 1.1/2 times LH, 1L+2M turn 1.1/2 times RH, 1M+3L turn RH 1.1/2 times, 1L+3M turn 1.1/2 times LH (2 3 1 on opposite sides)
17-24 1s cross up to dance reflection reels on own sides 1s ending in 3rd place in centre facing up
25-32 1s set to 3s, 1s set advancing to 2s as 3s step down, 1s dance to the top & cast into 2nd place

SILVER TASSIE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) J Drewry Bon Accord Bk
1- 8 1s+2s+3s cross RH & set, cross back RH & set
9-16 1s & 3s double fig of 8 round 2s (3s casting)
17-24 1s followed by 2s+3s dance down, 1s followed by 2s+3s (who part to let 1s thru) dance back to top
25-32 1s+2s dance the Rondel

GENERAL STUART'S REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) C Menzies RSCDS 10
1- 8 1M sets to 2L & casts to 2nd place, 1L sets to 2M & casts 1 place
9-16 1s turn 1st corner RH, pass partner RSh & turn 2nd corner LH pass partner RSh to face 1st corners
17-24 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting & end BtoB (1M facing up & 1L facing down)
25-32 1s give RSh to 2nd corner & dance reels of 3 on sides with 2s+3s & cross RH to 2nd place on own sides
C'EST L'AMOUR (J8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS 34
1- 8 1L casts 1 place & sets, casts to 3rd place & sets
9-16 1L repeats 1-8 back to top & set in middle facing down while 1M repeats 1-8 to 3rd place setting in middle facing up
17-24 1s circle 3H round & back (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s) ending facing 2s/3s (2s facing up & 3s down)
25-32 1s+2s+3s set, 1s dance under arches made by 2s/3s & 2s+1s+3s turn RH

BACK TO THE FIRESIDE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) R Goldring RSCDS 38
1- 8 3s followed by 1s dance down for 2 steps & set to partners, 1s lead up & cast off to 3rd place while 3s lead up to 1st place
9-16 3s+2s+1s dance Progressive Chain - 1s start by crossing RH then LH with 2s on sides then RH with 3s on sides & cross LH to end 1 (2) 3
17-24 1s+2s set advancing to form circle & Petronella out 1 place to right, set & Petronella to right to end on sides
25-32 1L dances 1/2 fig of 8 round 2s & 1M dances 1/2 fig of 8 round 3s, 2s+1s+3s turn RH

S-LOCOMOTION (S4x32) 4C set K Jones RSCDS 41
1- 8 1L+2L cross passing partner LSh & cast down 2 places as 3M+4M cross & cast up 2 places, top 4 Men also bottom 4 Ladies dance LH across
9-16 1M+2M cross passing opp dancer RSh & cast down 2 places as 3L+4L cross & cast up 2 places, top 2 cpls also bottom 2 cpls dance RH across
17-24 3s+4s+1s+2s dance 1/2 RSh reels of 4 on sides, 1s+4s+3s (bottom 3 couples) dance 1/2 reels of 3 on sides
25-32 All set, cross RH, 2s+3s also 4s+1s circle 4H round to left

FOLLOW ME HOME (J8x32) 3C (4C set) E Briscoe RSCDS 38
1- 8 1s set & cross RH, cast 1 place on opposite side & turn LH (ending in a diagonal line LH to partner & RH with 1st corner)
9-16 1s balance in line with 1st crnrs, 1/2 turn crnrs & 1s followed by crnrs chase cl'wise to opp crnr (behind prtnrs 2nd crnr) & dance in to 2nd crnr
17-24 1s balance in line LH with 2nd crnrs, 1/2 turn crnrs & 1s followed by crnrs chase anti-cl'wise (behind 1st crnrs) & end in 2nd place opp sides
25-32 3s+1s+2s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on the sides 1s giving LSh 2 corner position, set & cross RH

THE MONTGOMERIES' RANT (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Castle Menzies RSCDS 10
1- 8 1s cross RH & cast down to 2nd place, cross LH & 1L casts up while 1M casts down
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 across, 1L with 2s & 1M with 3s
17-24 1s with nearer hands joined set to 2L, turn inwards & set to 3M, set 3L, turn & set to 2M
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides 1s giving RSh to 2nd corner, 1s cross RH to 2nd place own sides

THE LEA RIG (S8x32) 2C (4C set) RSCDS 21
1-16 1s+2s (2s step up & join in on bar 3 by setting then follow 1s) dance full Petronella back to places with 2s turning to place on bars 15-16
17-24 1s lead down centre of set & back to top
25-32 1s+2s dance RH across once round & 1/2 Diamond Poussette to change places

THE MACHINE WITHOUT HORSES (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Rutherford RSCDS 12
1- 8 1s set, cast & dance RH across with 3s
9-16 1s set, cast up & dance LH across with 2s
17-24 1s followed by 2s lead down, cast up behind 3s, in & lead up to top & 1s cast back to 2nd place
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L

Introduction: -
1- 8 All circle 8H round & back
9-16 Ladies dance RH across (partners on their left) in St Andrews Cross formation, change to Men dancing LH across in centre back to places
17-24 All set to partners twice & turn 2H
25-40 All dance Grand Chain (2 steps to each person, 16 bars total)
Dance: - 8 times through firstly with 1L in centre, then 2L, 3L, 4L, 1M, 2M, 3M, 4M
1- 8 With 1L in centre of dance setting (special steps?) the others dance 7H round & back
9-16 1L sets to partner & turns 2H, 1st Lady sets & turns 3rd Man
17-24 1L dances reel of 3 with partner & 3rd Man passing partner LSh
25-32 1L sets in centre while others circles 7H round & back
33-40 1L sets to 4th Man & turns 2H, 1st Lady sets to 2nd Man & turns 2H
41-48 1L dances a reel of 3 with 4M+2M across dance passing 4M LSh & 1L retires to place as 2L goes into centre
Finale: -
1-40 Repeat Introduction


Спасибо, Осень, это то, что нужно!


Все участникам, наверное, уже пришло такое письмо:
ВНИМАНИЕ! Для удобства участников мероприятия есть возможность организации бизнес-ланчей.
Ресторан расположен в 15 минутах ходьбы от танцевального центра.
Бизнес-ланч представляет из себя полноценный обед из трех блюд с возможностью выбора.
Стоимость бизнес-ланча – 220 рублей.

Что вы об этом думаете?  Закажем?


и на меня закажите на субботу )))


Йерни, только на субботу? Ок.


да, только суббота, потому что в воскресенье... я лечу в Киев! )))
мне просто надо быть в понедельник утром в строю довольно рано, так что увы, поеду не с вами


Привет! А меня включили в заказ? :) Надеюсь.


Anastasiya, не включили... Откуда ж нам знать,  хочеш ты заказывать или нет? Пикси и Дима вот не заказывали. Думаю, на месте что-нибудь придумается)

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