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New Year 2016 Social Dance & Ceili (29 Dec 2015)

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29 декабря 2015 г. проведем новогоднюю вечеринку с ирландскими и шотландскими танцами.

Место - ДК "Росток", Сцена.
Время - 19.00 - 22.00 (вмест занятия по шотландскими бальным/кантри).
Стоимость участия в ней для тех, кто не занимается у нас шотландскими бальными, как и в прошлый раз, - 50 грн.

Танцевальная программа будет простой - включим в нее некоторые танцы с недавно проведенного St. Andrew's Day, а также простые и знакомые вам шотландские и ирландские танцы.

Программа со схемами танцев появится тут очень скоро.

Отредактировано Anastasiya (22-12-2015 14:41:06)


Танцевальная программа вечеринки со схемами танцев.

Lugnasad New Year 2016
Social Dance & Ceilidh
29th Dec 2015

(Scottish) Lucky Seven (32 bar Reels or Jigs)
(Scottish) BLUE BONNETS (J8x32) 2C (4C set) 
(Irish) Rince Fada (Jig, 40 Bars)
(Scottish) SEANN TRUIBHAS WILLICHAN (S8x32) 2C (4C set)   
(Irish) BONFIRE DANCE (Reel, 96 Bars)
(Scottish) Black Donald (J8x32) 2C (4C set) 
(Scottish) FOLLOW ME HOME (J8x32) 3C (4C set)   
(Scottish) THE FAIRY RING (J8x32)
(Scottish) ALLTSHELLACH (S8x32) 2C (4C set)   

Lucky Seven     32 bar Reels or Jigs      Round the room
1-8        Hands joined in a circle, circle round to the left (8 bars/16 steps).
9-16      Advance into the centre and retire twice.
17-24    Dance a grand chain around the circle, starting giving right hand to partner, left hand to the next person, right to the next, and so on, continuing in the same direction around the circle and counting aloud until you reach "seven". When you reach seven, do not pass, but stop with that person. Men are travelling anti-clockwise, ladies clockwise.
25-32 Spin that new partner, finishing back in the large circle, lady on the right, ready to start again.

BLUE BONNETS (J8x32) 2C (4C set)  RSCDS 3
1-8       1L+2M Adv+Ret & dance DoSiDo
9-16     1M+2L Adv+Ret & dance DoSiDo
17-24   1s lead down the middle & back
25-32   1s+2s dance Poussette

(Irish) Rince Fada    (Jig, 40 Bars)
Rise and grind Each person faces diagonally across their set and dances a rise and grind on the right foot and then the left. – 4
Right hand wheel Each set join right hands in the center and dance clockwise with the promenade step. – 4
Rise and grind Each person faces diagonally across their set and dances a rise and grind on the left foot and then the right. – 4
Left hand wheel Each set join left hands in the center and dance counter-clockwise with the promenade step. – 4
Advance down the center Odd gents take their partners right hand in their left and the couples dance down the line with promenade step (2b). Release hands and reverse (2b). Dance back up the set and cast off outside to just below the even couple. – 8
Swing around Take crossed hands with your partner and swing around the other couple back to your current place. The dance is now repeated with couple 1 dancing with couple 4, couple 3 with 6 and the end couples standing while the rest of the set dances. The dance is repeated until the dancers or musicians pass out. – 8

SEANN TRUIBHAS WILLICHAN (S8x32) 2C (4C set)    T Wilson RSCDS 27
1- 8      1s cast & dance down behind own lines, turn outwards & dance back to top
9-16     1L+2M set & change places RH while 1M+2L change places & set & repeat
17-24    1s lead down for 2 steps, turn RH [2s step up], lead up to top & cast to 2nd place
25-32    2s+1s set & turn partner 2H opening out to circle 4H round to left

(Irish) BONFIRE DANCE (Reel, 96 Bars)
8 Everyone: Advance and retire Advance 2 times (в оргинальной версии делают 4 променада вперед, 4 назад, мы же будем танцевать 2 вперед, 2 назад и еще раз также)
8 Rings Right 7's right, 2 short threes. 7's back, 2 short threes
8 Advance and retire Advance 4x, retire 4x
8 Rings Left 7's left, 2 short threes. 7's back, 2 short threes
4 Sidestep in and out Sidestep to the right and back to place
4 Link arms Link arms, dance clockwise halfway, swap arms and dance back
4 Sidestep in and out Sidestep to the left and back to place
4 Link arms Link arms, dance counter-clockwise halfway, swap arms and dance back
16 Ladies Rose (to the right)
16 Gents Rose (to the left)
8 Swing and change partners (right hand, 4 bars for swing, 4 bars for  bow)

BLACK DONALD (J8x32) 2C (4C set) Derek Haynes Carnforth Collection 2
1- 8 1s+2s Allemande Right (adv for 2, give RH to partner and Lady turns under M's arm, Lady dances back to place as Man retires), 1s+2s dance RH across
9-16 1s+2s dance Allemande Left (repeat giving LH) and dance LH across
17-24 1M followed by partner casts 1 place, crosses up and casts round 2L to end on own sides in 2nd place
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L

This was originally a four-hand dance, its four movements being repeated as often as desired. It is now usually done as a progressive Long Dance, and is so described below. It is in Double Jig time, and is danced to the tune, ‘Haste to the Wedding’. Each part of the tune must be played twice after the dance commences so that the claps in C and D will fit properly to the music.
Formation: as in the ‘Walls of Limerick’.
(a) Ring
Each set of four dancers hold hands to form a ring. All dance sidestep to left finishing with two short ‘threes’, and return to the right, finishing as before.
8 bars
(b) Right and Left Wheels
The four now give right hands across centre, shoulder high, with ladies´ hands above gents´, and dance around clockwise, with Promenade Step (4 bars). On fourth bar all release hands and reverse. All now give left hands across and dance back to places (4 bars).
8 bars
(c) Down Centre and Turn
Top and bottom couples of each set advance to each others´ places, without taking handstop couple passing between the other two dancers (2 bars); all retire without turning, but this time bottom couple pass between other two (2 bars). All clap hands together twice to one bar of music, and then hook right arms and turn once in place, (4 bars).
8 bars
(d) Up Centre and Swing
Couples again advance, but this time bottom couple pass through (2 bars); on retiring as before, top couple pass between the other two dancers (2 bars). All clap again twice to one bar of music, then hook right arms again, but this time they swing out, and so change places (4 bars).
8 bars
Couple 1 now faces Couple 4, and Couple 3 faces Couple 6, and so on, and from these new

FOLLOW ME HOME (J8x32) 3C (4C set)    E Briscoe RSCDS 38
1- 8      1s set & cross RH, cast 1 place on opposite side & turn LH (ending in a diagonal line LH to partner & RH with 1st corner)
9-16     1s balance in line with 1st crnrs, 1/2 turn crnrs & 1s followed by crnrs chase cl'wise to opp crnr (behind prtnrs 2nd crnr) & dance in to 2nd crnr
17-24    1s balance in line LH with 2nd crnrs, 1/2 turn crnrs & 1s followed by crnrs chase anti-cl'wise (behind 1st crnrs) & end in 2nd place opp sides
25-32    3s+1s+2s dance 1/2 reels of 3 on the sides 1s giving LSh 2 corner position, set & cross RH

Position of Dancers: Dancers line up in sets of three, as in diagram:
O X O (1) O X O (7)
O X O (2) O X O (8)
O X O (3) O X O (9)
O X O (4) O X O (10)
O X O (5) O X O (11)
O X O (6) O X O (12)
Each O represents a lady, X a gentleman. Set (1) facing Set (2), etc.
1. Advance and Retire
Advance and retire twice (8 bars), as in ‘Siege of Ennis‘.
2. Sides Each set of three dancers sidestep to the right (2 bars), end with rising step (2 bars);
sidestep back (2 bars), end with rising-step (2 bars).
3. Right Hands Across
All give right hand across in centre, dance around clockwise (4 bars); release hands,
reverse, give left hands, dance to left back to place (4 bars).
4. Sides
As in (2) above, but dancers sidestep to left (8 bars).
5. Left Hands Across
As in (3) above, but dancers give left hands across first (8 bars).
6. Step and Turn
Gentlemen turn towards right-hand partner; both dance Sink and Grind twice on right foot
(4 bars); take lady´s right hand and dance around her to place (4 bars). Repeat the
movement with left-hand partner, giving left hand to return to place.
7. Advance, Retire and Pass Through
All advance and retire, release hands and pass through, opposite dancers right arm to right
arm when passing each other (8 bars).
Repeat the movements with each successive set.

THE FAIRY RING (J8x32) Couples in circle around room    I Boyd Happy to Meet
1- 8      All circle round to left & back
9-16     Ladies dance figs of 8 (in front & round partner, in front of next Man (to the right of their original position) & round back to place)
17-24    Men dance figs of 8 (in front & round partner to start)
25-32    All dance Grand Chain


A Long Dance in Reel Time, for any even number of trios, danced to the tune of the same name, or any other reel. The trios consist of a gentleman with two ladies on his right.
Formation:       O O X
                           X O O
(a) Advance and Retire
The two trios in each set, holding hands, advance towards each other with Promenade Step (2 bars) and retire (2 bars). Repeat the same movement again (4 bars).
8 bars
(b) Swing with Opposite Lady
The gents and the ladies opposite then take hands, crossed, and swing eight ‘threes’ in place, centre lady remaining stationary.
8 bars
(c) Swing with Lady on Right
The gents and the ladies on their right take hands crossed and swing eight ‘threes’ in place, other ladies remaining stationary.
8 bars
(d) Link Arms in Centre
The gents link right arms in centre and, with Promenade Step, dance round clockwise (4 bars); turn and link left arms, dancing anticlockwise, finishing up between his two partners (4 bars).
8 bars
(e) Swing Out
Each gent and his two partners form a ring of three, and each ring (revolving clockwise) swings out and round, to meet the trio in the next set who had been facing them, and line up as at the beginning of the dance, to recommence, ladies having exchanged places.
8 bars

ALLTSHELLACH (S8x32) 2C (4C set)    E Gilroy RSCDS 23
1- 8      1s+2s set to partners, turn 2H & dance 1/2 Diamond Poussette
9-16     1s followed by 2s lead down & back to original places (2s dividing & turn in behind 1s)
17-24    1s+2s dance reel of 4 across (1L & 2M passing LSh to start)
25-32    1s+2s dance Tournee:
- 1s+2s dance in prom hold (Men with prtnr on R, 1s face Mens side & 2s face Ladies)
- couples ½ wheel anticl'wise & Men turn Ladies into middle,
- both couples turn 1½ times (2s RH, 1s LH), & dance out to places

Отредактировано Anastasiya (22-12-2015 15:06:13)


Несколько орг. вопросов для нашей вечеринки.
1) Обязательно берите с собой медальки, завоеванные в 2015 году для украшения уже традиционной лугнасадовской елочки.
И сразу вопрос - сможет ли кто-то подстраховать меня и захватить на вечеринку небольшую искусственную елочку, если я вдруг так и не смогу найти свою?

2) Хотите ли вы устраивать лотерею с подарками, как мы делали в прошлые годы? Краткая суть лотереи - каждый приносит с собой небольшой упакованный подарочек и складывает его в общий мешок, откуда потом эти подарки наугад тянутся.


Еще раз напоминаем вам не забывать завтра свои медальки)

Вы здесь » Форум Киевской школы кельтских танцев "Лугнасад" » События » New Year 2016 Social Dance & Ceili (29 Dec 2015)